04 May 2022

I Am The Resurrection...and Love

I had a friend who often shared the story of his fatal heart attack.  It wasn't a story of pain and suffering.  It wasn't even a story of his miraculous healing when his failing heart was revived.  Rather, the story he shared was of the feeling he had while he was clinically dead.  All he could feel was an overwhelming sense of love.  Not long before this incident took place, Tom had accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.  This incident served to affirm his faith and his hope in the eternal life that Jesus promises.  1 Corinthians 13, also known as the love chapter, reminds us of the power of faith, hope, and love - emphasizing that love is the greatest of them.  And 1st John tells us that God Himself is love.

Tom's story is unique as very few people have gone through an experience such as this.  Lazarus - whom Jesus raised from the dead - comes to mind.  I often wondered how Lazarus reacted after Jesus brought him back to life.  Did Lazarus resent being snatched away from Heaven?  But as I reflect on Tom's testimony, I believe Lazarus may have been grateful to have the opportunity to share his experience.  Most certainly he did not fear death for he knew firsthand what awaited him when that moment came again.

After his new lease on life, Tom loved to share this his testimony of faith, hope, and love to everyone who would listen.  Tom has since passed on to live in the Presence of God himself.  No longer does he need faith and hope because he is experiencing the presence of Love itself - a love that was always there. A love that is always there.  A love that will always be there.

Read: 1 Corinthians 13, 1 John 4:16, John 11:25-26

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