16 May 2022

Feeding Each Other

A friend of mine who is on the worship team recently remarked that the only thing cooler than getting to serve Jesus is to look out into the Sanctuary and see people worshipping Jesus.  I totally understand what she means, for I have participated as a musician myself.  And I have found this to be true whether in a secular setting or a sacred one.  A few of my fondest memories include an ASU Band Day performance in 1980, a tour choir concert in Tallinn, Estonia in 1990, and a Phoenix Symphony performance of "Messiah" in 2002.  In each of those performances, I recall the reaction of the audiences - and how we fed off of them.  One Sunday in choir at my previous church, we had a guest artist who told us that when we're up there singing about the Holy Spirit, God sometimes gives us some of that Holy Spirit back to us. So true! Experienced musicians know that at just the right moment, the performers and the audience feed off of each other.

Feeding off of each other not only applies in artistic performance.  I've seen it happen when an audience responds enthusiastically to a speaker.  We see it when our favorite sports team performs well.

Most importantly, however, I believe that feeding off of each other is most meaningful when the sharing occurs within a small group or even between two individuals.  I've witnessed this during table discussions in our classes at church.  I've witnessed this interaction amongst people gathering in our lobby.  I've witnessed this when a client receives a food box at our Resource Center - a spiritual feeding as well as a physical one.

Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved him.  Three times Peter said yes.  And three times Jesus told Peter, "Feed my sheep."  This is a command for all of us.  For a healthy Christian community to survive, it is necessary that we feed and be fed by each other.  We all need Pauls and Timothys and Barnabases to speak life into each other.  That is what feeds us.

As I reflect upon my own faith journey, I recall times when I was fed and when I was able to feed others.  Each of these were a growth experience for me.  During each of these encounters, it was never required that I perform a miracle (as if I could!).  All that was required was for someone to provide the loaves and fishes.  It was God that multiplied the blessing and performed the miracle!

Read:  John 21:15-17, Acts 11:25-26, 1 Corinthians 4:16-17, John 6:9-14

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