26 February 2022

Journey to the Promised Land

Are you, or have you ever found yourself in a season that was undesirable, uncomfortable, or even unbearable?

Such was the case with the Israelites who had suffered under slavery in Egypt for 430 years.  So unbearable was their situation that they cried out to God for deliverance.  And God heard them.  He made a way out.  With Moses to lead them, they conquered numerous obstacles by God's supernatural power.  Pursued by Pharoah's army, God parted the Red Sea and they were led out of Egypt.  They were free and were headed to a new land flowing with milk and honey.

But the Promised Land wasn't just across the Red Sea from Egypt.  Hope led to despair when the Israelites found themselves in a harsh and desolate wasteland, and realized they had to cross that wasteland before entering the Promised Land.  Furthermore, once reports came in from the scouting party telling of the people occupying the land God promised them, their despair grew even more (they were going to have to displace these people and didn't feel they were strong enough!) They complained and cursed and wished they had never left Egypt.  They had grown impatient and worried.  Although they had seen God part the Red Sea, they lost their trust in God, thinking He led them to die in the wilderness. 

Yet, through His supernatural power, God was still leading them, and providing food and water in a desert more desolate than our own here in Arizona.

It took forty years, but God delivered on His promise.  He not only provided a way out of Egypt, but He also provided a way through the wilderness.  Although Moses did not actually go into the Promised Land, he did get to see it with his own eyes.  After all the waiting and wandering and wondering, the Israelites finally crossed the Jordan River and began to take possession of their homeland.  

How about you?  Are you being patient and trusting God to lead you to your Promised Land?  Are you about to cross your own Jordan River?

ReadExodus 2:23, Exodus 12:40-41, Exodus 14:15-31, Joshua 3:14-17

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